All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Stuck on Win98 - How can I get out?
quote:Originally posted by gump420:
VoidMain, the reason I didn't go into detail on Lindows is that it's still in development; I realize I probably should've mentioned this in my post. Sorry 'bout that. (-;
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The other thing about "Lindows" is it's owned by the founder of I seriously question his motives and doubt that I would use the OS, however I would certainly take a look at it. Especially if it will run Windows apps as good as VMWare/Win will do but for less money. It surely will run them better than Wine. The Wine project should just wrap it up as far as I'm concerned, I think it's a piece of crap.
Ximian probably hasn't been ported to Darwin/Mac OS X yet, but I'll look into it anyway. Package management (or the lack thereof) is one of my few major gripes about OS X, and the only thing I've tried so far (Fink) is kind of a pain in the ass to use (heck, it's annoying to even get set up correctly).
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You are probably right. I had a little taste of Darwin on the Mac (a friends). It's not as easy to obtain/compile/run open source apps as a lot of people would lead you to believe. And I would agree with you on the Package Management thing. For the longest time there was no package management on Linux systems (in fact on most *NIXs). This was one of the few advantages I ever saw to Windows as bad as Windows package management was. But now most *NIX systems have package management of some form and almost all of them are better than Win* package management, but you have to know how to use them, which really is not difficult at all once you get the hang of it. OSX would surely want to either create their own package management or adopt one of the existing ones (RPM, Debian, pkgadd, etc). I'm sure they will very soon.
P.S. I just realized that's an aweful lot of Mac-talk for the Windows section of the forum; however, it seems this topic is mostly about Linux anyways. Perhaps a relocation would be in order?
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I'm a follower, not a leader (except when it comes to *NIX). (:
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