I am having (lots of) arguments with my C++ "Professor". This guy knows VERY little and is teaching out of a book. It's obvious. I have no clue how he got the job, cuz he sure in hell isn't qualified. The class is relatively small, and combined, we know twice as much as this guy will ever know. This is the reason we have arguments: he insists I know nothing, and he knows everything (I have a lot of prior experience with C++).
Our current argument:
In a relatively small program with a menu, he wants us to make a different function to print out the options of the menu instead of putting the code in Main(). The code in question is 7 lines long. He doesn't want the switch statement for the menu in the function that displays the option.
My Side:
1) Adding 4 lines of code to modularize 7 lines of code is pointless and bloating.
2) Putting all of the code pertaining to the menu in 1 function makes more sense, rather than having half of it in main and the other half in a different function.
His rebuttal:
1) Too bad. This is how it's done in the "real world". When you get a job you are going to get fired because you want to do things this way.
2) No. One of the purposes of Main() is to do things pertaining to the menu, so you should keep the switch statement there.
Any thoughts? Take sides...comment. I want something good to kick his ass with tomorrow