Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
Startup and Shutdown Scripting
I have installed VNC and gotten it to work and have gotten it to turn on during startup. However during startup it does all of the defaults, 1024x768 8bit. I wanna make it 1280x1024 24bits. I looked at the script in webmin it say...
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I've looked through it and found nothing to configure specifics. I went to a couple of files, all dead ends except /etc/sysconfig/vncservers. However that file only let me specify the username and display number. In essence how do I make thi script do the same thing as
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Or if this script can't be modified to do that, what is a new script that would do that. If I had a new script I could just tell this one not to start up and the new one to start in its place. It doesn't have to support multiple users or anything. Just need it on the one user, jeffberg. The password file is in its default place ~/.vnc/passwd . ~/ being /home/jeffberg.
Any help would be appreciated. Note I am not a programmer, unless you consider Flash Actionscripting to be a programming language.
Try this:
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why can't you just have another seperate script (as you say) called "myVNCstarter" or something containing only this:
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because the one i posted works with the proper sys v service handling stuff, and im a leet haxor.
oh yeah, sorry, i forgot those all important reality shaking facts.
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