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image leeching

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haha. that freaked me out a bit. i opened this thread and it asked for a username & password  

that would work, but the images that are being leeched, are part of a feature on my site that everyone needs access to. i do not want to password protect the folder. i am thinking of just moving the folder, changing some links, and putting up a picture of tubgirl or something. they would be in for a surprise when they see that.

put the images in a database (longblob). have the index.php page make a small cookie. when trying to access the picture via getpicture.php?img=main.jpg have it check for the cookie (1 hour set or something), if no cookie load a "this is leached" image.

lol. i found the answer.
i created this .htaccess file with the following-

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
oh shit. and i mean that literally. when someone leeches out of that directory, they will be in for a nasty surprise.

[ July 29, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle:951 ]

Is this your own server? You can prevent deeplinking in apache like so: http://apache-server.com/tutorials/ATimage-theft.html

There's always an easier way... damn.

at least mine was creative.

I think he got it though.


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