Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

"Fantastic webdesign services"

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OMFG, check out this company. they offer webhosting and web design. ill cut to the chase, they suck ass.
"Fantastic Webdesign Services"
They use frontpage. They suck at graphic design. They use clipart. The worst part is, they actually have clients.

Their fucking site sucks ass...I would never pay someone to design my site if their site sucks as well. It's a bad impression on people.

They rival pixxelpro.com.


quote: Web Site hosting on our secure server, including domain name registration & set-up, Email account, and a dial-up internet account (33.6 kbps)
--- End quote ---

I'm sure they cant be for real 33.6kbps!
I hope this is somebodies joke page.

Gooseberry Clock:


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