Author Topic: Giving Jikes a Try  (Read 1549 times)


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Giving Jikes a Try
« on: 24 May 2003, 19:47 »
I heard about the jikes compiler recently for Java, and I thought it might be worth a try because it's open source and supported by the OSI.

I downloaded and installed the rpm just fine, but it can't find "java/lang." I read on the website what to set CLASSPATH to, and I adjusted mine accordingly, but when i open up a new terminal it gives me the following error:

Code: [Select]

I've tried chmod a+x on the rt.jar file, but with no results; the site mentioned a JIKESPATH, but the site didn't adequately explain exactly what it does or whehter or not it is needed.

Any ideas, using RH 7.3 and RH 9?