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new tab

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NetCaptor looks too much like Internet Explorer and has an add to buy NetCaptor Pro. Mozilla doesn't make a difference between basic and pro and you certainly don't have to buy a decent browser.

I learned HTML by looking into the source of webpages at first, and at a later stage, I downloaded the W3C HTML guide which I've learned a lot from.

And no, target="_blank" doesn't open a new tab in Mozilla. You can use your middle mouse button for that.

Gooseberry Clock:
NetCaptor IS Internet Explorer. The ad: it's a small price to pay. There used to be actual ads there until he switched from adware to shareware. The newest adware version is 6.5.0 Beta 8, which I'll upload if anyone asks for it.

And to open a new tab in NetCaptor: right-click -> Open in New Window

Master of Reality:

quote:[And no, target="_blank" doesn't open a new tab in Mozilla. You can use your middle mouse button for that.
--- End quote ---

fuck you!!! (no offense) read my post.
It says that i  want something that opens a new tab in mozilla in an html tag kinda like target="_blank" opens up a new window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$#*(!^%$(^)!%*)!*%)_!&*%!_@%&**(@^!%


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