Author Topic: Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?  (Read 1890 times)


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I looked at and these came up.

Assembly Language Step-by-step: Programming with DOS and Linux  

Linux Assembly Language Programming (Prentice Hall Open Source Technology)

 I have the first one, but its more for windows. I dont have time for that shit. Only the last 3 chapters are for Linux.

The second one has very shady reviews.


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #1 on: 21 July 2002, 08:15 »
I am looking and looking but nothing.

Does this mean that no one even bothers with Assembly?
 Am I that much of a retard?


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #2 on: 21 July 2002, 08:42 »
Well, assembly pretty much ties you to one processor so it is used very rarely in UNIX.  You can find some snippets of assembly in the kernel source tree but most everything is done in C.  In C you can write very portable code.  In assembly you have to pretty much rewrite the code for each processor you intend to run the code on (x86, PPC, Sparc, etc).
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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #3 on: 21 July 2002, 10:53 »
Thank you VoidMan.

 you might help me with a question I have.

My wish is to learn the inside out of Linux. I am talking about what makes it clik and tick. To establish an extreme know how.

  Since C-C++ are high level languages (btw I am studying c++), I thought that by learning Linux Assembly will guide me to the core of the OSs and its Hardware components.

   Is this worth the time and the effort. One thing is for sure I am VERY intresting in learning.


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #4 on: 21 July 2002, 10:54 »
oh and i am following the right path to do this?


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #5 on: 21 July 2002, 13:12 »
learn linux inside and out, as for assembly, just go by a book on x86 assembly, and go read it near a preferably tall bridge. i was reading a book on realtime programing with 16 bit assembly, i was left confused.
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
alpha, the compaqed way
ppc, the fruity way
mips, the graphical way
m68k, the NeXT way
sparc, the reliable way


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #6 on: 21 July 2002, 22:54 »
You will not learn Linux inside and out by learning Assembly.  99.9999% of Linux is written in C.  Like I said, Learning Assembly only teaches you the hardware, not the operating system.  You would be *much* farther ahead learning C and C++.
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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #7 on: 21 July 2002, 23:22 »
Intel gives away free assembly books. They pay for shipping too. I have only heard that AMD does the same. I got all three free books from intel. The first one is a good read even if your not into assembly programing. Its got a nice history of the x86 family and has diagrams of various chip architectures showing the all the different execution units, chaches and the fetch/decode thingy. If your serious about intel assembly, the first volume is a must have.


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #8 on: 22 July 2002, 06:19 »
cool!! where can you get these books?


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #9 on: 22 July 2002, 08:04 »
Well I am sure it will not teach you "as" (the UNIX assembler) which is what I thought you wanted to know.  It more than likely would refer to MASM or TASM.
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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #10 on: 22 July 2002, 08:12 »
First of all, there is plenty of information at on the subject. They have all kinds of developer stuff. The homepage for the P4 is
Check it out.

The books you can order are here
You can download the books in pdf format if you don't want to order them. When you call to order, you need the order number of the book you want. You might also want to ask if the books are still free, you never know. To order the books, there is an 800 number you have to call, unfortunatly, i lost it  :(  

I did, however, find a number on the inside of one of the books. Its 1-800-879-4683. I have know idea what number that is for, but you might as well try it. If its the wrong one let me know.


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #11 on: 22 July 2002, 08:16 »
Assembly was my first real language (basic doesn't count); I used it for years.  Assembly is great for gaining speed, reducing size, and writing tight code.  I was using high level flow control concepts long before I began dabbling in C (switch case, if then elseif, while, etc); constructed a few linked lists and doubly linked lists, manipulated a few two-dimensional arrays of pointers to a mix of functions and data...  The best thing you can learn from assembly is not the interrupts (which are os and chip dependant) but program flow and data manipulation.  String manipulation is so much easier in assembly than it is in C.  Even code can be considered data, and programs can be made self modifying (for a quick permenant change in the program flow that only occures every 1200th iteration or so) to avoid needless if-then-else checks (at each iteration).  Function calls do not need to push every passed value into the stack; and they also don't need to pop the return value off the stack, which can save a butt-ton of time when when checking for an error: simply "GOTO if carry-flag is set" "error-handler routine" which looks like
Code: [Select]

maybe one day I should get back into it...
Is it just me, or is the common consensus among assembly programmers to eschew OOP?


ps: did anyone mind the ramble?
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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #12 on: 22 July 2002, 08:22 »
The books i'm talking about don't disscuss any assemblers, just chip archetecture and instructions. If he wants to learn how to use a specific assembler, he'll have to look else where. No matter what assember he goes with, he'll need the information in these books like how to use the registers, stack, protected mode, the different memory models, etc. Its general information that applies to all assemblers.


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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?
« Reply #13 on: 22 July 2002, 08:28 »
btw, these books don't show you how to acctually write anything. There is souce code, but not a whole lot until the third volume which is dedicated to OS writing.

There are plenty of tutorials on the net that explain how to use various assemblers and how to write and assemble programs.