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Do you know any GOOD books for Assembly for Linux?

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learn linux inside and out, as for assembly, just go by a book on x86 assembly, and go read it near a preferably tall bridge. i was reading a book on realtime programing with 16 bit assembly, i was left confused.

You will not learn Linux inside and out by learning Assembly.  99.9999% of Linux is written in C.  Like I said, Learning Assembly only teaches you the hardware, not the operating system.  You would be *much* farther ahead learning C and C++.

Intel gives away free assembly books. They pay for shipping too. I have only heard that AMD does the same. I got all three free books from intel. The first one is a good read even if your not into assembly programing. Its got a nice history of the x86 family and has diagrams of various chip architectures showing the all the different execution units, chaches and the fetch/decode thingy. If your serious about intel assembly, the first volume is a must have.

cool!! where can you get these books?

Well I am sure it will not teach you "as" (the UNIX assembler) which is what I thought you wanted to know.  It more than likely would refer to MASM or TASM.


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