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Which Language first?

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I take it back.  You should learn "CLIST" and "REXX" before any other language.  

German, i say. good solid language, that.

actally go shell out the $150 needed to buy a TI89. you can program in c for it, in tibasic. and in assmebly, youll need a ti link cable and to download the assembler and the compiler. but comenoe, it comes with a book that teaches you how to use all the ti basic functions and to write your own. it even comes with tools to build a graphical app. if only more programers would learn on those such embeded machines, we wouldn't have this damned bloatware problem i can write tight apps with hooks for assembler routines in a small amount of space, it kinda teachs you to think about the smallest and cleanest and easyest way and the fastest way to do things. and i think that ti should rename the langague, i have never seen a version of basic with such advanced looping and such advanced looping. and this only coun'ts on TI89/TI92 machines, all the other one's basic isn't that good sorry for the rant

and if you don't like that idea, you could always buy a macintosh and learn objective-c/*wish i could, i gotta go buy some NeXT books*/

I believe there are objective-c compilers for linux. Part of GNU GCC.

You should definitely learn C++. It's the industry standard, and (unlike most) it actually works. Versatile, fast and supported heavily. If you learn in-depth a 'soft' language like any kind of Basic or Pascal, the bad habits you pick up there will render any future experiments in more powerful languages useless.


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