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Which Language first?

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PHP = Best Web Programming lang
Objective C/Ansi C/C++ = local apps

keep in mind that (Objective C >= C && C > C++ && Objective C > C++)

perl might be cool but cpan is just evil.
python is underrated and easy.

Master of Reality:
i want to learn python too. I heard it is cool

hehehe....      :D    :rolleyes:

Currently the only kind of language I know is Macromedia's Actionscript. (Based on ECMAscript) It's useful though. I don't do a lot of the coding in Flash as much, but it really helped me understand a lot of the concepts in almost all programming languages. (If statements, loops, arrays, stuff like that.)

If you learn a language dont learn QBasic it gives you many dirty habbits that will make other programming Languages very difficult to learn. I know it and have incorperated its Style with C++.

I prefer C++ because it is Object Orientated, And everything falls togeather, i just need to learn more functions to do things with it that i know with other languges.

Anyway I know:

QBasic (I have been writing shitty apps in this since i was around abouts 8 or 9)
Visual Basic (Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggh)
PowerBasic (nice) www.powerbasic.com
YaBasic (Comes on PS2 so i learned it)
C++ (From C++ dor Dummies)
HTML (From writing things in Mozilla Composer and then looking at the HTML it produced)
.BAT / .CMD (Windoze Command prompt)
I want to learn PHP or Perl next anyway, i basicly got into computers when i was about 6 or 7 my dad got an XT (Old then, old now) anyway by the first week i had tought myself how to use a HEX editor and to read hex and stuff like that!


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