All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Service Pack DeActivation
Well, wasn't that a bright idea...
Now if the XP Service Pack installer finds an illegal CD Key (how does it know?) or it just plain doesn't like you, you're not allowed to install the service pack.
No security fixes for you!!!
Well, that should up morale for people with virus infected windows xp computers that have had their product key damaged ;)
quote:Now if the XP Service Pack installer finds an illegal CD Key (how does it know?) or it just plain doesn't like you, you're not allowed to install the service pack.
No security fixes for you!!!
--- End quote ---
OTOH, the Win XP user here also doesn't get a shit=load of DRM, avoids the Trojan Horse aspect of the service pack that enables M$ to "root" his system at will to deactivate any soft, including third-party, that they don't like.
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