Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

Stupid trademark lawsuits continue!

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quote:The Next Court Case: Googol Vs. Google?
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quote:The family of the mathematician who coined the word "googol" may be threatening to take Google.com to court over the name
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And the stupidity rages on...  :(

Wow are people whiny....

Just another case of law$uit lottery. It's the new All American Pass Time.
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[ May 23, 2004: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

America's #1 sport: SUE, SUE, SUE!

I hate people who sue for shitty reasons. Leave people alone.

This woman is is (methaphorically) smoking IP crack.  

Go to www.uspto.gov and check how many trademarks use the word "googol."  

What's next?  She wants money from the old "Barney Google" comic strip?

This kind of stuff makes me sick.

[ May 25, 2004: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]


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