Author Topic: MPAA - Here's a good one for ya!  (Read 1802 times)


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MPAA - Here's a good one for ya!
« on: 9 December 2002, 11:54 »


MPAA to try Norwegian Teen
Contributed by agentorange on: Sunday 08 December @ 11:47:41 | Send this story to a friend |  Printable Version icon
It has been three years since the DeCSS case first took center stage, and though time has passed, Hollywood still wants to make an example of those who oppose their governance over our rights as
human beings.

Jon Johansen is scheduled to be tried for a crime that any freedom loving individual would not consider a crime at all. His crime was using his computer to view a movie he legally purchased. He did not pirate the movie. He did not attempt to copy the movie for illicit bootlegging purposes. He was not seeking to make money, nor was he seeking to steal anything. He simply wanted to watch a movie he had paid for, on equipment he had paid for, and in with this case is that he has been charged under a law in Norway that makes it a crime to break into a person's locked property to gain access to data you are not entitled or allowed to access.

The problem is that there is no question over Jon's purchase of the DVD in question, There is no question over whether Jon owns the computer or any of its associated equipment. There is not even any question over whether Jon was attempting to pirate the movie (he wasn't) of whether he was attempting to violate any copyrights, or even to assist anyone to violate copyrights.

So what is Jon being prosecuted for exactly? He is being prosecuted for using his own property to have access to his own property. Are you confused yet? If you are in doubt over what you just read, please read it again: Jon is being charged with using his own property to gain access to his own property.

Sounds insane doesn't it? No matter how it sounds, the problem with this case is that it is an attempt by the MPAA and Hollywood moguls who believe they have the right to own everything that is entertainment, that you and I have no rights, and that they are more powerful than our laws and Consititution - are the ones who are demanding that this circus trial take place in the first place. Jon Johansen was 15 years old when the supposed "crime" took place. Hollywood has wiated to press the issue until his 18th birthday - perhaps to prosecute him as an adult - and for doing nothing more than taking the necessary steps to view a DVD he owned on a computer he owned.

If you believe that the people who support this action are not more insidiously evil than the gangsters of the 1930's - then you have your blinders on. It's time to flush out your head gear and realize how ludicrous this trial truly is. How can a nation that is the land of the free and the home of the brave allow people to get away with being so absolutely corrupted as to persecute a Norwegian citizen - not for theft - but for simply viewing a DVD he owns!

The America I grew up in wasn't populated by sheep with blinders. If we allow the MPAAto continue its actions without federal judicial oversight and without any public control, they will seek to enslave us all for their profit and greed. I am truly outraged that this trial is even going to take place. I am even more upset that this trial is not even being covered in the mass media, except as a mention, and then with absolutely no understanding of what is truly occuring here. I am even more disappaointed that a country that used to stand for truth, freedom and justice is being cowed and sold a pack of lies - telling us to fear what the MPAA tell us too.

We are human beings - not profit targets. We feel, think and can reason. We do not need to be told what to think, how to act, how to vote, how to argue, or how to decide what is reasonable. If this prosecution goes unchallenged, then we truly are headed down a slippery slope for our freedoms. I urge you to read about this case. I urge you to take action, by donating to or joining the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

We cannot allow our freedoms to become prisoner to the greedy in Hollywood. We cannot allow our nation to promote the destruction of the civil rights of foreign nationals simply because some MPAA types want blood and don't care about reason or doing what is morally right. We cannot allow the mass-media news to hide this case, simply because they lack the courage to report the truth. It is time to start standing up for our rights. If we fail to do so, they will attempt the same actions here. We cannot and must not allow our rights to continue to be trampled under the MPAA sponsored legislation that seeks to strip away our Constitutional rights.

There have been those in the mass-meida that support the belief that it is wrong or un-American to question "authority". I say it is un-American not to do so. We have been founded upon the ideals that people have the right to seek redress against wrongs - what I want to know now - how can we stop the people who seek to crush our legal rights? Your comments are welcome, I would like to know your thoughts on these matters.

The opinions expressed herein are protected speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. This opinion is mine. There are many others like it, but the one expressed herein is mine, and it cannot be taken from me. Others may choose to accept it, reject it, or even re-shape it into their own. The ideas of a free people can never be taken from them by any repressive and unelected body - no matter what they try. Now how is that Un-American, bubba?

Now this is a case that is clearly wrong!
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Doctor V

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MPAA - Here's a good one for ya!
« Reply #1 on: 9 December 2002, 12:35 »
Insanity I tell you.  The content cartel has gone way overboard in the name of protection their 'Intellectual Property'.  I never knew you could wait until a minor turned 18 and charge them as an adult for a crime they committed while still a minor.  May as well just try everyone as adults if your going to do that.  The problem is their belief that their content is 100% their property no matter where or in what medium it exists.  I believe they should have some rights to it, such as not giving the purchaser to resell it for a profit.  But giving full control of all content to the copyright holder is outright wrong.    :mad:  Also, the kid's crime is simply making a tool that has the possibility to break the law, not actually using it to break the law.  If making and using any tool that can possibly be used to break the law is illegal, cars, knives, fishing poles, and even simple rope would be illegal, just about everything would.  As I said in a previous post, may as well just reinstate slavery, and make everyone in the world slaves to the transnationals.


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MPAA - Here's a good one for ya!
« Reply #2 on: 9 December 2002, 12:56 »
Ok, lets say this guy is convicted. What kind of sentence could he get?
Kansas City Hustle


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MPAA - Here's a good one for ya!
« Reply #3 on: 9 December 2002, 13:54 »
I suppose it could be as light as 3 months probation at home washing dishes for mom. Or as heavy as 3 years hard labor as a Microsoft programmer.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Mr Smith

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MPAA - Here's a good one for ya!
« Reply #4 on: 9 December 2002, 14:36 »
A Microsoft Programmer?
Judge: You have been found guilty and will be senteced to no less than 3 years programming for Microsoft. Would you like to make a statement?

The Guilty: Yes your honor. Do you remember the part where my lawyer asked the court NOT to seek the death penalty...
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
John Stuart Mill


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MPAA - Here's a good one for ya!
« Reply #5 on: 9 December 2002, 15:52 »
just for decrypting it for personal use. its too bad that the sheeple won't care. theyd be like,  "fuck this pirate, i want my sienfeld!"
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!