Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

Poll: Music Sharing or Stealing

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Stryker how long has music existed? How many hundreds of years?

It does not therefore need to be a corporate cash-cow and artists don't need to be manufactured and signed to one of the big three labels.
I am not going to search for good music for you, but personally I find some really good music locally, in small stores and on independant labels.

Obviouslly I can't listen to music completely form smaller labels and artists and I have tastes in the mainstream but the situation in music seems to be snowballing into one where the record companies are taking the piss out of both the consumer and the artist. Artist seem to be reared for the puplic eye and the public are indoctrinated into adhering to fasions and trends. It's all becoming increasingly false.
I don't particularly give a flying fuck about filesharing, copyrighting or anything I just don't like how industricised they are trying to make music.

Also many artist change drastically when they get signed to the big lables from what they began as.
It has been proven through time that arts best works are created when the artist is on the financial backfoot.
I don't mean that they should be kept poor, it's just sad how many end up selling out under the record companies tricks to lure them in and lead astray. They are treated like a donkey with a carrot.

I apologise if this post doesnt make any sense as
A) I am very tired, and
B) I don't particularly have an opinion on tis topic, I just felt a need to respond because Stryker seemed so hostile.

Now, if you dont mind, I am going to sleep.
Perhaps you could continue the debate until the end of time and people will still have polar views and be shouting across the fence. Enjoy another ill fated MES 'let's bitch for eternity' thread.

both. some artists don't care about money, and allow their music to be downloaded freely.

Aw c'mon Tux, get into the spirit of the thing !!

It's just a discussion and has been fairly interesting. It's just about done now anyway.


quote:Just because it's in your possession doesn't mean it belongs to you as it would depend on how it came to be in your posession. Maybe you stole it.
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If I have a CD that I bought, I own it. And by your standards I haven't "stolen" the music on it. I therefore have the right to share it as I see fit. If the creator didn't want me to share it he shouldn't have sold it to me.

quote:There is no restriction here.
--- End quote ---

Yes there is. If you buy a CD from a store, you're not allowed to give copies to your friends.

quote:you want to dictate that someone cannot be allowed to earn a living from their talents because your work must be free
--- End quote ---

How many times do I have to make this point before it's understood? We want the music to be free as in freedom - the issue is not whether or not the artist charges for their work (they should be able to charge $1m for it if they want, and not make it available for free themselves), but rather what people are allowed to do with the artist's work once they obtain it i.e. they should be allowed to share it freely.

There are ways that artists can make money from distributing their art while still allowing it to be copied freely e.g. selling CDs (most people still don't have the technological capability to download music), voluntary online donations etc.

I wasn't aware of how hostile i was i guess... i'm one of the least hostile people i know. This is how it usually works though. We scream and bitch at eachother in one thread, and completely agree in another... just because i disagree with you this time doesn't mean i'm hostile.

As for the copying a CD thing is OK because you bought it the CD, that's wrong. If I buy a CD, I'm buying my right to use the music. And my use of the music is to share it with a friend. I'm not all for sharing music on a level like kazaa does it. But if I want to make 7 or 8 copies for a few friends, what's the problem?

Why should I buy a CD if I don't know if I like it or not? Don't give me that radio shit either, not all the songs are played on the radio.

I'm tired, sorry if I seemed hostile in this post too...


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