Copying non-free stuff for personal consumption is fine - if you have the artists permission. That is legal, acceptable and there is nothing a record company or a lawyer can do about it (unless they own all rights). It is considered advertising and is fine both ethically and legally.
But with Kazaa - nah this is bullshit. I know so many people who use it, and what do they do - they download eminem and the matrix. Sorry but that is not acceptable. If you support an artist you are prepared to pay them money, if you are not prepared to pay them money then you do not like them enough, and therefore you should not support them. By consuming this material you are crowding the pantheon of artists and leaving less room for the truly talented.
It's a wake up call. The TCPA/RIAA will keep on suceeding because people do not have the balls to say yeah thats a fun song but I'm not going to listen to it because it is not a great song.
The ONLY way you will get your message across is if you stop wasting time listening to the same old same old. You have to live your own life - too many people are stuck in apathy, living their lives through other people. I get up each day and I am so happy to be alive, and my happiness has nothing to do with hollywood, AOL Time/Warner, Microsoft, etc. Whereas all those people I know who use Kazaa and the like, they live their lives through entertainment, their lives are ruled by the what did you watch last night?, what movie will you see this weekend?, what latest musician are you listening to?, and almost never do I hear the voice of thought, the voice of an individual saying there is a string quartet playing in the social center, I'm gonna check that out, as I've never really listened to a string quartet. Because they haven't got the balls.
Choose Life for fucks sake. If your happiness depends on owning every harry potter movie that gets made, and having a copy of every Linkin Park album then you, my friend, have serious problems, and your money would be better spent on a phsyciatrist.