Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law
Video clip of gates lying so hard you can almost hear his ass hitting the floor
a 10 second clip of gates, from the BBC.
It's quicktime, so you will need either quicktime or mplayer with a quicktime codec to view it.
This is part of my university coursework (currently studying the history of personal computing)...
What the hell is he talking about??? He sounds exactly like a politician!
I think he's talking about TCPA and how it will give you more "freedom" and also how happy he is to work at giving users more "freedom".
the course literature says he is referring to the internet. the course literature does not mention that it took microsoft many years to even admit the internet existed (both MS and Apple were slow to pick up on networking since they couldn't see how to make it pay). The coursework does point out that gates deliberately tries to dominate every area he gets involved in, and create a defacto standard for others to follow.
Bill Gates looks gayer by the month.
[ March 26, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: LITERALLY a knucklehead ]
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