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switching to LINUX?
Might I advise Knoppix for your first dive into Linux?
You can run it straight from the CD.
I don't know the link off hand.
Doctor V:
Just a couple of opinions.
I think Mandrake is the best distro for a new user because it is very easy to install, and use, plus is not a 'windows copycat', like Lindows and Xandros.
If feeling helpless is what you are trying to avoid, then windows is not for you. Windows really does try to control and limit what you can do. There may be some things that are harder to do in Linux than Windows, but you will always have more choice with Linux.
THANKS for the link! I'm ck'ing it out right now.. I'm def. up for learning,..but the simplest is what I need to shoot for right now. I don't want to get over my head and frustrated before I begin. Then again.. it can't ever get worse then the WINDOWS crashe(s)....
Coleen, first of all welcome to the boards!
Now, since this is your first -about to have- experience with Linux, I would also suggest that you go for Knoppix, since you don't have to re-partition your HD or anything. If you get to like Linux however, then I would suggest Mandrake Linux.
Keep in mind also that one of the most confusing things about Linux is the plethora of distributions out there, since the Linux kernel source as well as the source code for most of the programs that come with it and form the OS, are freely distributable. If you want to check out the number of Linux distributions, go to
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