Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law
Record a Movie, go to jail.
Slashdot Article
"The US Senate just unanimously passed a bill allowing the criminal prosecution of recording movies with a camcorder in theatres. Victims of the new bill would face 3 years in prison on first offense (5 if it was done for profit), repeat offenders would get 10 years. As a side note, it will cost taxpayers an additional 5 million dollars per year through 2009 for enforcement." Several states have made recording in theaters a crime, although none of them have penalties nearly as harsh as this Senate bill.
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This is ridiculous. Some idiot tapes a movie, violating a copyright, and will go to prison longer than a mugger or a pimp or a wifebeater?
2 months maybe I can understand... but 3 to 5 years????
Right about now would be a good time to bring this to the attention of the EFF and/or write your representatives. This is disproportionate punishment, and they know it.
Edit: Taking into consideration the length of time, why don't we just give all muggers, pimps, and wifebeaters life without parole? I wonder if anyone would cry out then about disproportionate punishment, or if they'd all be imprisoned by then. To quote a certain patriot: "Now is the time for every good man to come to the aid of his country" - let your voice be heard!
[ June 26, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate ]
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