Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

Does this make me a criminal?

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quote: There should be some set limit, say a song can't bring in over $20,000 profit per song or something... then after that limit is reached the music may be freely distributed. Some changes should be made.
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That's better. But the problem remains that the people will actually have to BUY the songs before they are released for free, which in some cases may never happen, because everyone will wait for the song to be released for free (that is, if they don't rip it off with Kazaa first).

[ November 03, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

That's better. But the problem remains that the people will actually have to BUY the songs before they are released for free, which in some cases may never happen, because everyone will wait for the song to be released for free (that is, if they don't rip it off with Kazaa first).

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I wouldn't wait. I know it could take months, or even years, to get it free. And I know there are enough people willing to pay that it'd be freely available soon anyways. Pretty much every song is freely available already through kazaa and other such p2p networks. They still make a nice profit. The only drawback of setting a limit would be that some people would wait until that limit is reached, lots of people wouldn't wait though... they'd still go out and buy it.

Infinite is the best word to use. Infinite doesn't mean "eternal" or "going on forever" - it just means a lack of any finite limit. You're suggesting that artists should be able to earn infinitely for one piece of work. It doesn't matter that in practice the limited length of their lifespan, the amount of hard disk space on earth, whatever etc. is going to eventually stop them making money, the point is you see an artist as being entitled to an amount of income that's a function of how many people (infinite) that will use their work, rather than of how much work that they've done.

ok, now we're starting to get off topic...thought the extras are excellent "food for thought" the question was...am I a thief?

Artists are entitled to royalties...ie...the $30.00 you pay for a DVD, one of the actors may only make $.02c on that.  this encludes everyone from the producer to the actor (yes this includes the guy in the credits that's only listed as "man with funny wig")

There is specific law concerning copyright infringement.  Most is based on case law.  Any copyright infringement generally falls under the larceny clauses.  Why you might ask.

an Artist/creator cannot as we all know, copyright a bar of music or a line of code...however wrap the whole song/program/movie together...and it is the creation...thus the copyright...

Now for those of you who like to read between the lines

I have X movie...

I "share" it in 3 parts on a "sharing network" such as edonkey or bit torrent...

by what I said previously is that copyright infrngement?  what about the rights of the persons involved in it's creation...are they entitled to anything from my "sharing?"

Right...as I read through this, there are some peeps trying to find loop holes for all ready existant laws...I do not for a minute denounce that law has not caught up with tech...but some laws need no change o keep up...

If someone sells you a stolen car, you are still getting processed for recieving stolen goods.  The means are available for any member of society to check the validity of a purchase.

This is still larceny... any questions?  then read or go to your local PD, they will be more than happy to tell you what to look at.  To find loop holes you have to compare to case law, not book law.  Loop holes are made through case law.  Book law is finite and ca only be changed by the courts as certain circumstances are brought up.

All laws in most modern societies are based on the ten commandments...whether your religeous or not, you have to admit, they form a credible foundation for harmony in society.  The rest of the laws are just derivatives of them.


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