Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law
RIAA 0wn3d again. :)
RIAA defaced -again!
By Drew Cullen
Posted: 11/01/2003 at 22:06 GMT
Reader reports are flooding in that the RIAA.org has been defaced - again. At time of writing, the site appears to be down, And several readers have been kind enough to include screen grabs, showing that the front page today carried the following message.
RIAA - 0wn3d by.... ;p
oooh riaa want's to hack Filesharing Users / Servers ? - better lern to secure your own server...
Sorry Admin - had to deactivate ur accounts - they'll be reactivated after 2 hours
greetz : Rage_X, BRAiNBUG, SyzL0rd, BSJ, PsychoD + all the others who want to stay anonymous :]
wanna contact ? mailto:[email protected]
Underneath the greets, there is a list of RIAA 'recommended' file-sharing tools, such as KaZaA and eDonkey. Downloads from these sites are 'sponsored by www.riaa.org'.
The RIAA site has been hacked four times in recent months. Surely, they should have figured out how to put a stop to this by now?
stop killing that site, it gives them an excuse for governemtn mandated DRM. but if you hack it, make sure it stays dead.
I thought it was funny that they did exactly what the RIAA has capability to do legally. An eye for an eye so to speak.
i know, but they are going to turn it into an excuse, like the D.C. sniper. but then agian, the golden rule only works when you take the time fo figure out that the ball is in your court
if they can't even protect their own servers, how can they expect to protect their music. Fuck them. They need to get their heads out of their asses. Music is an art, not an industry.
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