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Free IE With every windows OS!!
I've debated for years about microsoft Illegally bundling IE into the windows os.. but recently i've been shot down that Microsoft hasn't made any money on it. So i thought i'd come here and talk to some people that know something about it.
My feeling has always been that they bundled IE in and then raised the price later on down the road. Am i wrong?
I really would appreciate some information concerning this.. but i ask that you give links and proof for your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.
Not to change the subject but what I find more interesting is how Microsoft can bash open source, yet derive Internet Explorer from that open source. Click "Help->About" and take note that IE was created from Mosaic, a program I used and customized for our own use on UNIX before there was a Windows version, and before there was an IE or Netscape.
IE has nothing to do with money. M$ want's to make sure it has majority rule over how people browse the net. This allows them to impliment all the BS .Net type stuff and their own version of Java.
This way they make sure to control it all. A while ago M$ was thinking of weening people off of .html and on to a proprietary IE only format.
IE is sort of a trojan horse in to M$ marketing. It allows them to tailor content directly tword users, and if everybody uses their browser they get to dictate what you do and don't see and how you see it.
Bundling it with their OS was just a way of creating a "path of least resistance" to user acceptance. It's the one that's there, so they use it without thinking twice.
It was never about money. It was about controling content. If M$ owns the eyes which people view the WWW thrugh, then they can know what you see, tell you how to see it, and make you see what they want you to see.
Scroll down, to the predatory practices section. He beginns talking about the browser wars and M$'s intentions. Compare and contrast with my theory
[ May 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
Here is an actual quote from the M$ conviction:
172. Microsoft's refusal to respect the user's choice of default browser fulfilled Brad Chase's 1995 promise to make the use of any browser other than Internet Explorer on Windows "a jolting experience." By increasing the likelihood that using Navigator on Windows 98 would have unpleasant consequences for users, Microsoft further diminished the inclination of OEMs to pre-install Navigator onto Windows. The decision to override the user's selection of non-Microsoft software as the default browser also directly disinclined Windows 98 consumers to use Navigator as their default browser, and it harmed those Windows 98 consumers who nevertheless used Navigator. In particular, Microsoft exposed those using Navigator on Windows 98 to security and privacy risks that are specific to Internet Explorer and to ActiveX controls..
173. Microsoft's actions have inflicted collateral harm on consumers who have no interest in using a Web browser at all. If these consumers want the non-browsing features available only in Windows 98, they must content themselves with an operating system that runs more slowly than if Microsoft had not interspersed browsing-specific routines throughout various files containing routines relied upon by the operating system. More generally, Microsoft has forced Windows 98 users uninterested in browsing to carry software that, while providing them with no benefits, brings with it all the costs associated with carrying additional software on a system. These include performance degradation, increased risk of incompatibilities, and the introduction of bugs. Corporate consumers who need the hardware support and other non-browsing features not available in earlier versions of Windows, but who do not want Web browsing at all, are further burdened in that they are denied a simple and effective means of preventing employees from attempting to browse the Web.
174. Microsoft has harmed even those consumers who desire to use Internet Explorer, and no other browser, with Windows 98. To the extent that browsing-specific routines have been commingled with operating system routines to a greater degree than is necessary to provide any consumer benefit, Microsoft has unjustifiably jeopardized the stability and security of the operating system. Specifically, it has increased the likelihood that a browser crash will cause the entire system to crash and made it easier for malicious viruses that penetrate the system via Internet Explorer to infect non-browsing parts of the system.
This site (while gaudy), is actually quite factuall about the whole browser thing:
it's the root for the one above.
[ May 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
Great, thanks for the links! But again, they didn't raise prices on the OS later on? I thought it went for 100 bucks at first and then *magically* went to 200. But this is false?
Thanks for the links, i died laughing when i saw this:
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