Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law
How's this idea?
quote:[qb]Guess what happens then? The musicians sell their stuff on their own, AND EVERYBODY WINS EXCEPT THE RIAA.
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Now this, this I wouldn't mind. My big problem is contributing to the RIAA, not the artists.
quote:Originally posted by xeen:
A new idea has been introduced to try to get P2P users to pay a small flat fee in exchange for legally being allowed to share and download other sharer's music. The fee would be voluntary and would directly to the artists.
Some musicians have been asked about this and they think it's a good idea, and a few have said they encourage sharing anyway. The RIAA however is firmly against this idea.
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So now I pay money to break the law.
Fuck that.
Id just use iTunes before I surrender to that idea.
^ But you'd be paying to MAKE it legal...
quote:Originally posted by WMD:
^ But you'd be paying to MAKE it legal...
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Not really. They'd start the program just as a way of tracking "pirates", then conveniently forget to grant licenses for the downloaded music and sue everyone who pays the five bucks.
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