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teach yourself C++ in 21 DAYS
i just wanted to rant, that i will be learning to teach myself cpp .
holla at ya!!
Mr X
I studied C++ with that book. Not bad, but I wish it had File I/O in it.
Master of Reality:
is it the book by SAMS? I've got that.... it's been a year.... i dont know C++..
Im so lazy
--- Quote from: Master of Reality ---is it the book by SAMS? I've got that.... it's been a year.... i dont know C++..
Im so lazy
--- End quote ---
the book teaches you c++. file i/o wouldn't be learning c++, but learning a specific c++ library. the book teaches you everything you need to know to be able to say "I know c++". experience will bring the rest.
Once you really understand how c++ works, you can work with other peoples' code (such as a file i/o library).
basically, the book does what it says it does. If you want to know how to do something specifically, look it up.
Here you go
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