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--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---DOSBox is an emulator and it sucks. It's slow and it's a waste of CPU power to emulate an x86 on an x86, unless you have an old game that won't run on a multi gigahertz machine or you want to run it on a Mac or something non-x86.

DOSEmu isn't an emulator it's a virtual machine running FREEDos. This is better but it dosn't run under Windows so I'd have to boot into Linux which in this case I don't bother I just boot into FreeDOS. And FreeDOS with an extender can handle up to 4GB of RAM which is way more than I have.
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Sometimes I wonder what is scarier, the fact that people with the resources right in their faces are so ignorant to the facts and resources right in their faces that they still deny what they could do. Or the fact that despite not knowing with certainity they still make claims of what cannot be done and make things more complex and confusing then they need to be; this says a lot about soceity - about how much people could doing. On top of that it also explains why.

DosBOX has a Windows release:


I know DosBOX runs on Windows I don't like it because it's slow because it's an emulator. This is rather silly, I have an 86x CPU and using an emulator to run 86x software seems rather dumb. The only use I can see for DosBOX is running very old games that won't run on todays fast machines, or on a different processor like a MAC.

DosEMU is a lot faster despite it's name it's not a true emulator but FreeDOS running in virtual machine (just like VMware or MS Virtual machine) it doesn't emulate each CPU instruction. But this is (last time I checked) Linux only so I just reboot with FreeDOS to run any DOS programs that won't run under XP.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---DOSBox is an emulator and it sucks. It's slow and it's a waste of CPU power to emulate an x86 on an x86, unless you have an old game that won't run on a multi gigahertz machine or you want to run it on a Mac or something non-x86.
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You know of any DOS game beyond Duke Nukem 3D, Megarace 2 or C&C: Red Alert that will be slow in DOSBox?

Quake is slow under DosBox especially when Windows is  using the swap file. I reboot and run it under plain DOS and it's very fast.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Quake is slow under DosBox especially when Windows is  using the swap file. I reboot and run it under plain DOS and it's very fast.
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Sorry I forgot about Quake. You're probably right then.


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