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SP2 installing its self - prob posted already -.-
Even if it had "stealth updated" behind your back, SP2 is SP2, and would have updated that string of text. do you have a wifi card? SP2 just added a "security center" to control everything from one place. Look for that.
ps. Steam = Spyware
Well... I don't have security center, but I do have "CSNW" in my Control Panel all of a sudden. I also read somewhere that it will install itself bits and pieces until its completely finished and then ask if you want to install it or not. Who knows.
Steam is spyware? News to me, but then again I shouldn't be suprised. I really don't care. Windows is spyware too, but we all still use it. :p Reminds me of LimeWire "FREE OF SPYWARE" yet that fucking software is riddled with it. Besides, I can't play HL2 without it. Or CS:S.
PS - No one tell me there are hacks and ways around Steam. I know this. I just usually choose not to priate software. I just get my OS's and my music free. :cool:
steam is the (i think the publisher) of Valve's HL2 . and it is the program that gets updates for HL2. i think you also can download HL2 full version with that steam program. try going to the steam site and try to find how to disable it.
better yet- use zonealarm and deny the program internet rights- problem solved!
Mr X :beos: :beos: :beos: :beos:
oh yeah- and 'oh windows is so easy to use everything is soo hard'
all i am hearing is i like to rationlise things (aka just making a stupid excuse, therefore reducing your chances of success)
Mr X
--- Quote from: pulsechild ---Well... I don't have security center, but I do have "CSNW" in my Control Panel all of a sudden. I also read somewhere that it will install itself bits and pieces until its completely finished and then ask if you want to install it or not. Who knows.
Steam is spyware? News to me, but then again I shouldn't be suprised. I really don't care. Windows is spyware too, but we all still use it. :p Reminds me of LimeWire "FREE OF SPYWARE" yet that fucking software is riddled with it. Besides, I can't play HL2 without it. Or CS:S.
PS - No one tell me there are hacks and ways around Steam. I know this. I just usually choose not to priate software. I just get my OS's and my music free. :cool:
--- End quote ---
You don't have SP2, CSNW is use to connect to NetWare Servers from Windows.
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