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can't remove sp2 hotfix

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Hi, I've got a problem with my laptop which requires the removal of xp sp2 hotfix patches. I've tried everything I can think of including  overwriting my hard drive using 3 passes of Eraser, and re-formatting. when I restore my pre sp2 version of xp, the hotfixes re-appear. There is a difference between the actual size of my hard drive and that available for formatting or partitioning. There appears to be about a gig which is invisible. is this where the hotfixes hide? Is there any way to access this part of the drive and delete files? Please help as I am all out of ideas.
p.s: Thanks Bill

my advice is to use an operating system that is not distributed by microsoft. i have used software from red hat, slackware, debian, suse and several other operating system distributors and not once have i ever seen a windows sp2 hotfix appear on my machine.

not once.

yeah- first stop using MS and then worry about what the hdd is doing. get yourself into the best OS evermade:
(look below)
 :beos:  :beos:  :beos:  :beos:  :beos:
Mr X

you could try getting a windows second edition  bootdisk from and once you've booted your laptop from it just fdisk (FDISK.COM) it :) good luck.

if you are going to do that, then you may as well use knoppix, zipslack or tomsrtbt for the bootdisk, especially if you want to use fdisk, since the fdisk on those systems is far superior to the one on the windows bootdisks.

however those bootdisks aren't going to help you use NTFS, and claims to have an NTFS capable bootdisk there, shame you can't get the NTFS access and the good fdisk on one bootdisk.


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