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My Rule#1 for any Windows problems...

Be prepared to do a reinstall at any time. It only takes 'bout an hour. And that is less time spent than trying to fix Windows.

After all... you did back up your shit right?  :mad:  

The fix for the real problem takes even less time...

Linux install 15 minutes on a healthy system.

Even my sons's Win98 f00ked up and all he does is play Lego Racer, and Virtual Playstation. Maybe I should buy him a console so I can snag his system too!  :D

You could track down every missing .exe file, but a reinstall would be much easier. Win98 installer refuses to run from DOS mode if it finds a Windows installation. If you run the Windows 98 installer in Windows, however, it will automatically detect your Win98 directory and reinstall the files, keeping your original settings, color shemes, installed apps, etc. If you do this, Win98 should function normally.
--Good luck from Mr. Nobody


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