All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

but of course your right

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LoL feel the Love.. :p

Chucking the harddisk out a 4th story windows would be cheaper and quicker.

As would stuffing it in a microwave on high for 5 minutes and running like hell.. :rolleyes:

or just set fire to the drive :rolleyes:


--- Quote from: bedouin ---Don't be a jackass.  I think it's cool he's using this forum to sharpen his English skills.  He just wants to know how the "Microsoft's Really Hidden Files" article applies to XP, the answer to which I don't know or I would answer.

BIGIRONNUTS, You should work on using punctuation --- like when and where it's necessary.  I think this would help you organize your thoughts so everyone can understand you better.
--- End quote ---

 I used this forum and Calum to sharpen mine :)

There's a walkthrough for fragmenting and partitioning your HD here:
Note that fragmenting is very different to DEfragmenting!:p

Mr X, You far fetched barsted, you make my diagnosed paranoia look like a piss in a park, stop watching scifi and reading crazy shit man, or get some wonderful medications.

Three ways to fix harddisk issues...
A) Get a blowtorch and heat the surface all around, heat kills magnetism.
B) Place the harddisk in a Kiln.
C) Throw it down a fucking volcano.

All these will render a disk unreadable to Microsoft, The NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, ATF, The Cathloc Church, Mormons, KGB, The French, Linus Torvalds, and Fucking Aliens.

Better yet, use cryptoloop or another one of the million AES enabled options out there, that will make your disk unreadable without destroying it.

My advice to certain members...
a) Slow Down.
b) Get off the Crack.
c) Don't read about physics while on Acid.
d) Slow Down.
e) And in one word: Practicality.


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