*sighs* Make me break out the class PC, why don't ya?
Quick Fix:
(1) Hold down the Windows key and hit R.
(2) Type
"C:\Documents and settings\Administrator\Application data\Microsoft\Templates"
(3) Make sure Word is closed (any Office application, for that matter).
(4) Copy and paste normal.dot to the same directory, this should duplicate it.
(5) Open the duplicate. Delete EVERYTHING in it. Save and Exit.

Shift-Delete the original normal.dot. Say "Yes" or "OK" or whatever the hell it is.
(7) Rename "copy of normal.dot" to "normal.dot"
(8) Enjoy until someone borks up Word again.
Permanent Fix:
(1) Using Add/Remove Programs, uninstall Microsoft Word and any other Office programs you may run across.
(2) Install
(3) Relax in the knowledge that this crap won't happen again. :cool: