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Getting Microsoft Out of a comp...

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...and alas, I don't really know much about what I'm doing and would appreciate some help from those who do.
I know Microsoft is crap.  I'm pretty sure that Bill Gates is the antichrist (or a reasonable facsimile).  I want it gone.  I want an OS that works well, is cheap (free or > $10 ), and will still allow me to run two programs (Concourse and Resource Mate--they're programs designed for use in libraries for record keeping, I believe) and a new HP printer.
Here's the thing:  the actual computer is an IBM Aptiva that's old as the freaking hills.  It had Windows 95 on it, but in order to get the printer to work, it needs Windows 98, which won't install :nothappy:.  I'd like to think I'm better off with something other than that, but I'm not much good unless I get some better information on how to do this.
So first, what would you all recommend as a good OS?  Second, how do I clean out the bad stuff and how do I put in the good stuff?  Are there any websites or anything that would tell me how to do this?

beos works fine. i dont know about that finance program, but beos max comes with a finance program called Be Financial. i havent used it.

try out beos. its like a mac os blended with unix.

Mr X

Try Linux. Has more software than BeOS and has many distro's.

To "clean the bad stuff, and put in the good stuff" you will just need to delete the windows partition and make one for Linux. It's not hard. You can always dual boot too... it's not hard, you will figure it out easily.

Don't know what programs you're talking about, but if they are only designed for windows, you may be able to run them through WINE on linux. I would explain more but I'm not very familiar with linux, my linux box isn't working for now.

What specification is your computer?

linux is actually really hard to install and use. unless you like bloatware like mandrake.
BeOS :beos:  is the easiest to install, and use.

Mr X


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