Author Topic: MS destroy mouse part II. Now with PICS !!!  (Read 11559 times)


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #15 on: 31 March 2005, 19:16 »
when you get really mad and frustrated- the best thing to do is smash things. it's good for the body, and soul.

noooooooo, this is so wrong. I'm sure the mouse would've been fine on a better surface.

Why must you destroy? Why not just donate unused things to people who need them?

it was well used, unfortunately. no, it's just a piece. the cmos camera was real lame, you could hardly move the mouse even moderately medium speed without it darting all over the place. more often than not, the mouse cursor would get jammed and do a little dance on the screen, all by its self. and people dont need crap or garbage, if they want it bad enough they can go rummage in the dumpster for all i care. there are many mice out there, and what people dont need, are microsoft mice ruining their lives.(untill they smash them ofcourse)

and complainers: don't complain unless you have something to back it up. im getting real tired of people having negative attitudes towards me. i try to be as positive and upbeat as i can, and if it seems annoying or stupid, or idiotic thats fine with me, but that's between myself and I not you and I.

Mr X


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #16 on: 31 March 2005, 19:30 »
As someone who loves drawing with a mouse, I feel sorrow towards such abuse of a potentially fine mouse. Microsoft mice tend to be great based on my experiences on them, although my current favourite is Logitech MX-500 (which is a true king of all the optical mice I've tried so far)


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #17 on: 31 March 2005, 20:55 »
Nice pictures MrX :thumbup:

Now put the circuit boared in the microwave and turn it on at full power for a miniute, and don't sue me if it goes wrong! :D
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #18 on: 31 March 2005, 21:05 »
Quote from: muzzy
As someone who loves drawing with a mouse, I feel sorrow towards such abuse of a potentially fine mouse. Microsoft mice tend to be great based on my experiences on them, although my current favourite is Logitech MX-500 (which is a true king of all the optical mice I've tried so far)

Mice seem to be the only thing I've found that Microsoft can make without screwing up somewhere, whether intentionally or otherwise.

While I don't get nearly as sentimental as you do over a $20 piece of hardware, it does somewhat disturb me that someone would take his stress out on the mouse that's currently hooked up to his computer. Now if only I didn't have to plead guilty to the same thing, I could talk more....
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<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #19 on: 31 March 2005, 21:56 »
Destroying a Microsoft mouse requires no anger at all from me.

I simply do it.


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #20 on: 31 March 2005, 22:06 »
Microsoft indeed makes great hardware. The keyboards are quite ok, too. I believe the only way microsoft could make their hardware truly suck, would be by going into vacuum cleaner market. Imagine all the slogans they could use...


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #21 on: 31 March 2005, 22:29 »
I would never purchase Microsoft hardware purely on principle.  A corporation who has made it plain they desire to dominate and control the free-flow of information through monopolization of technology and a monoculture mentality doesn't deserve my donations, even if it is $1.

And this is the same reason no one should buy an X-Box, even if it is a cool piece of hardware.  My beef with Microsoft has nothing to do with quality; they could make the absolute finest OS in the world (even though the opposite is true), it's purely about avoiding a digital hegemony.  If for some reason I can't afford a Mac, I'll be using Linux again.  And if Linux ceases to exist, I'll use an abacus.


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #22 on: 31 March 2005, 22:37 »
If Linux dies it would be only because something else better has replaced it.
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #23 on: 31 March 2005, 23:26 »
Quote from: bedouin
I would never purchase Microsoft hardware purely on principle.  A corporation who has made it plain they desire to dominate and control the free-flow of information through monopolization of technology and a monoculture mentality doesn't deserve my donations, even if it is $1.

And this is the same reason no one should buy an X-Box, even if it is a cool piece of hardware.  My beef with Microsoft has nothing to do with quality; they could make the absolute finest OS in the world (even though the opposite is true), it's purely about avoiding a digital hegemony.  If for some reason I can't afford a Mac, I'll be using Linux again.  And if Linux ceases to exist, I'll use an abacus.

An X-box doesn't become worthy of its continued existence until you put Linux on it.
Quote from: ""
<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #24 on: 5 April 2005, 20:23 »
"How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?"

I wager it wouldn't be a great deal of anger. A few years ago I was having a lot of problems with my wireless mouse (I got myself a wireless KB/mouse combo).....well the problems started after I changed the batteries. I'd move the thing a few centimetres and then I'd get no response from the mouse. Shaking and tapping (read as pounding) would sometimes get it going again......but usually you'd have to open it up and fiddle around with the batteries. Using different batteries had no effect. It started doing this during a particularly hectic game of Emperor: Battle for Dune. The inability to command my Harkonnen minions infuriated me so much that I stood poised to throw that f*&(ing mouse through a second storey window.

Thankfully I calmed down and plugged in my dodgy Genius optical mouse.....which I recently replaced with a Logitech MX 510. What sucks is the KB/Mouse combo is Logitech too.........and they normally make pretty kickass gear. I guess I should've tried to go for a manufacturer replacement.....but I'm not sure if I liked that wireless thing anyway. The batteries made it just a little too heavy for my liking - and it was probably too sensitive as well. Plus I hate the hassle of warranty replacements.

So, to reiterate - if that mouse had been a microsoft, there probably would've been a hole in my window........or at least one big f(*&er of a crack.


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #25 on: 5 April 2005, 23:21 »
Quote from: TB
So, to reiterate - if that mouse had been a microsoft, there probably would've been a hole in my window........or at least one big f(*&er of a crack.

You know you can solve that pesky issue by opening the window and removing the screen first, right?  :D

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #26 on: 6 April 2005, 13:19 »
Yes, but the sound of smashing glass does have incredible therapeutic value. Hell, I could use some such therapy - today is two months to the day since our family applied for broadband internet - and we're still using dialup. Our DSL account has been active for a week.......but we purchased the DSL router from the ISP and we're waiting for it to be delivered.

Yes....I must defenestrate the deliveryman when he arrives...........once I've taken the package, of course.


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #27 on: 6 April 2005, 13:35 »
Don't make me tell you about my experience with SeNet, they were actually at one stage worse than Microsoft.
I'm often asked why I hate Microsoft - "What did they ever do to you?". Well, I'll tell you. They made dodgy programs and standards which have wasted hundreds of hours of my time involving lost work in crashes and stupidity.


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #28 on: 6 April 2005, 13:36 »
MS make a mouse? Now I've seen everything! ;)

I didn't samsh a MS mouse...cos ive never had one. they must b relly crap.


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Re: How much anger does it take to destroy a microsoft mouse?
« Reply #29 on: 8 April 2005, 19:47 »
How me (and some friends) attempted to destroy a microsoft mouse tonight:

Friend sits in front passenger seat. Friend leaves mouse dangling on the ground. Friend slams door shut, jamming mouse cable. Other friend drives around town with mouse scraping (and occasionally bouncing) against the asphalt. Much laughter is had on account of the scraping noise..........and the very odd looks we get from pedestrians and fellow drivers. After about 40km (25 miles) of driving, inspection reveals an extremely scraped up mouse. Surface of the mouse is surprisingly smooth in some sections. Mouse is partially jarred open on account of the scroll wheel being dislocated. Frustration at the lack of fragmentation of the mouse results in friend lobbing it out of the car window into the middle of a main road. With any luck, the mouse will be annihilated by an enterprising motorist.

Too bad none of us had a digital camera to photograph the damage.

[Edit] Tomorrow night me & some friends are thinking of doing something similar with a 15 year old VCR I have stashed in the closet. Tie the power cable onto the tow-ball and VROOOOOM. The last time we did this the sparks flying from the VCR were AWESOME.

[Edit 2] Brief search reveals old VCR is gone. Mostly likely disposed of in a boring, non-destructive manner by parents. BUGGER. I found an old alarm clock, though. That should provide some entertainment.
« Last Edit: 8 April 2005, 20:18 by TB »