Author Topic: Linux for the broken-hearted?  (Read 1857 times)


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Linux for the broken-hearted?
« on: 10 March 2005, 17:29 »

I have always known, ever since the first time Windows 95 crashed on me as a young 'un, that I must make the switch over to a different operating system or be subject to untold horrors of an insecure, inoperable "Operating" system.
However, one of my prime reasons for having a machine for years has been gaming. Pure and simple. Thusly, a mac box was out, as was linux. Now I use my machine primarily for websurfing, chit-chatting, reading, nonsense like that. The time has come to make the switch to linux.

To make a long story short, I am in no way unfamiliar with the way computers operate, nor am I incapable of adapting to new systems. I think immersion would be my best bet if I want to get this linux thing.
So if I'm looking for GAIM, a good browser, and music box action out of my computer, and I have obscene gaming computing power, what linux build would be best for me?


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Re: Linux for the broken-hearted?
« Reply #1 on: 10 March 2005, 17:53 »
Well, not Fedora, because you'd have to download plugins.

But you could try Mandrakelinux or MEPIS.

As for games... tell me which ones you play.


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Me again
« Reply #2 on: 10 March 2005, 18:36 »
Erm, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament 2004, Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth, Command and Conquer: Zero Hour, Sacred, and Robot Arena 2.
For most of these there's not port, except the UT's. Robot arena 2 is emulatable, because it requires something like a 450 mhz, and I burn a nice even 3.2 with my watercooling/overclock. C&C, BFME, and Sacred I'll require a WinTEL OS to operate. Or maybe I'm wrong.
But you could try Mandrakelinux or MEPIS.
What features would I be looking at with these two? Or should I just shut up and go look for myself?


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Re: Me again
« Reply #3 on: 10 March 2005, 21:23 »
Quote from: TheOgr169
Erm, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament 2004, Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth, Command and Conquer: Zero Hour, Sacred, and Robot Arena 2.
For most of these there's not port, except the UT's. Robot arena 2 is emulatable, because it requires something like a 450 mhz, and I burn a nice even 3.2 with my watercooling/overclock. C&C, BFME, and Sacred I'll require a WinTEL OS to operate. Or maybe I'm wrong.
But you could try Mandrakelinux or MEPIS.
What features would I be looking at with these two? Or should I just shut up and go look for myself?

 They both have all the features you stated and are easy to use.
You can try Fedora too if you're not scared of installing certain plugins yourself.

You figured out games yourself. You can try to emulate some games by using Wine or Cedega.
Up to you, really.


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Re: Me again
« Reply #4 on: 10 March 2005, 22:13 »
hey, hope you enjoy trying a linux distribution.

there are many, many that have gaim, music stuff and a browser. try any of fedora, mandrake, red hat, ubuntu, xandros, lycoris, slackware, suse and so on. most of these can be downloaded from sites such as - all will have some quirky things that will send you round the twist. good luck, sorting it out is half the fun (and is very rewarding!)
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Re: Me again
« Reply #5 on: 10 March 2005, 22:24 »
Quote from: Calum
hey, hope you enjoy trying a linux distribution.

there are many, many that have gaim, music stuff and a browser. try any of fedora, mandrake, red hat, ubuntu, xandros, lycoris, slackware, suse and so on. most of these can be downloaded from sites such as - all will have some quirky things that will send you round the twist. good luck, sorting it out is half the fun (and is very rewarding!)

Exactly, For The Past 3 Days Ive Been Trying To Switch My External Server To Debian But I Kept Getting Stuck On Installing And Setting Up The MTA Since It Was Easier In Fedora Core, Anyway:


and ive been jumping round eating bits of bread!! (no really)
 Version: 3.1
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 ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


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Re: Me again
« Reply #6 on: 15 March 2005, 12:18 »
I run Fedora Core 3, you dont need to do much yourself like Refalm claims, who should shut up.

If you install Fedora Core 3 then good on you, its a wise choise.

The first thing you will want to do is install apt-get:

Once it is installed you just need to do this...

# apt-get update
# apt-get install xmms-mp3

And then the mediaplayer xmms will support MP3 playback. It is not hard, just a simple command.

However after you install you should also run a dist-upgrade to update all your packages.

# apt-get dist upgrade


If you really want to have fun try slackware.


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Re: Linux for the broken-hearted?
« Reply #7 on: 15 March 2005, 23:26 »
Why would you need to install apt when Fedora comes with Yum right away?

(BTW, apt for rpm doesn't work as well as Debian apt.)
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Re: Linux for the broken-hearted?
« Reply #8 on: 16 March 2005, 22:43 »
your cynical comments, would seem to suggest that there is no point answering your question.
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