I have always known, ever since the first time Windows 95 crashed on me as a young 'un, that I must make the switch over to a different operating system or be subject to untold horrors of an insecure, inoperable "Operating" system.
However, one of my prime reasons for having a machine for years has been gaming. Pure and simple. Thusly, a mac box was out, as was linux. Now I use my machine primarily for websurfing, chit-chatting, reading, nonsense like that. The time has come to make the switch to linux.
To make a long story short, I am in no way unfamiliar with the way computers operate, nor am I incapable of adapting to new systems. I think immersion would be my best bet if I want to get this linux thing.
So if I'm looking for GAIM, a good browser, and music box action out of my computer, and I have obscene gaming computing power, what linux build would be best for me?