Wow, so you're basically playing those games without ever installing the nVidia drivers?
Are the official ones already built-in, or is it the community driver?
actually, since I upgraded to FC3 on my desktop, I haven't been able to install the Nvidia drivers (also, being curious, I can not install the Nvidia drivers on my FC2 partition (i have many OS's installed) once i upgraded to the newest kernel, so it's not a distro problem, it's a kernel problem i guess)
My laptop has an ATI card, and it can play (although slowly due to the 16mb card) neverwinter nights and UT2k4.
My conclusion: ATI community driver > Nvidia community driver, but Nvidia proprietary driver > anything ATI has
The only problem is that the Nvidia driver is a pain in the ass to install, expecially on my fedora box (i can post specs if ya want)
Are there any plans to implement the Nvidia proprietary drivers in a MAINSTREAM distro by default? i don't think fedora will because they don't like including proprietary stuff, but what about SuSE?
Having a distro that does this for me would be reason enough to make a switch (i go distro hopping once in awhile... about once a year to see how the competition is going)