All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
How to make your Windows machine more stable and secure
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---But yo can't despute the fact tha Microsoft put Internet Explorer there push Netscape out in the first place.
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that's not the topic
I don't have enough background knowledge about the IE-Netscape fight, but I have to admit it's quite disturbing that IE development was stopped when it had gained dominance. I'm more interested into the technical side of my OS of choice than politics, sorry :)
--- Quote from: muzzy ---I don't have enough background knowledge about the IE-Netscape fight, but I have to admit it's quite disturbing that IE development was stopped when it had gained dominance. I'm more interested into the technical side of my OS of choice than politics, sorry :)
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(most of what people do here is bitch about politics)
It sucks that so many people hate technically superior system due to marketing practices and other issues. I suspected earlier that people oppose Microsoft for ideological reasons and now I'm sure this is most likely true even in the cases where people claim otherwise.
Call it arrogance if you want to, but if you don't understand something, your opinions about it are going to be useless. I haven't researched the marketing and don't understand business too well, so my views on microsoft's business practices are going to be useless. Similarly, if you don't understand how Windows NT works, your views of it are going to be useless. One thing which you can claim competence is understanding user experience for clueless users, which apparently indeed sucks. However blaming it for technical issues you have little knowledge of is not going to be fruitful.
My views might seem unrealistic because I mostly refuse to helpdesk newbies (it's such a hassle), and I know what I'm doing so my views are based on what Windows NT systems are like when they're used by someone who at least knows the minimum necessary basics of computers, operating systems and windows. My point of view is also a programmer-centric, which could explain why the system makes so much more sense to me than it does to you. Based on my experiences, Windows is a wonderful OS which is quite stable and secure. It's not perfect, but it's great, and for me it's better than any other alternative out there.
I don't see anything wrong with not buying something for political reasons. It's like not buying a pair of trainers even though they're both better and cheaper because they're make by child slaves. However Microsoft Windows is not the best operating system and it certainly isn't the cheapest.
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