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And I've enjoyed reading your posts, it's good to see both sides of the arguement.
Oh talking of intelligent debate has anyone read this before, I know it's old but it still makes good reading.
--- Quote from: muzzy ---First, you assume that the only difference between professional and amateur is that the professional gets paid and amateur doesn't. A lot of free software development is done by professionals who are developing software as a hobby, too. ...... Further, it contained serious holes (symlinking .plan to any file, then reading it through finger) and so on. This is the kind of stuff that amateurs write, and being amateurs they have no idea how much their stuff really sucks.
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i don't have a lot of time, or you would see pages of reply, but i must address this one point.
the word "amateur" literally means "for the love of it", while as you know professionals are doing it "for the money".
You don't seem to provide any proof that people who love what they are doing do a worse job than people who are being paid to do the job, so clearly you have misunderstood the basic concepts involved when i talk about amateurs and professionals.
no offence intended, just pointing it out.
--- Quote from: Calum ---i don't have a lot of time, or you would see pages of reply, but i must address this one point.
the word "amateur" literally means "for the love of it", while as you know professionals are doing it "for the money".
You don't seem to provide any proof that people who love what they are doing do a worse job than people who are being paid to do the job, so clearly you have misunderstood the basic concepts involved when i talk about amateurs and professionals.
no offence intended, just pointing it out.
--- End quote ---
I'm not going to fight over what words mean, it's a fact that companies shell out money to train their employees, and said employees can be very motivated. Why is photoshop still better than gimp, even though gimp can be developed by the whole world? Why is blender such an annoying app compared to all the commercial alternatives?
Software development is difficult, and it's best done by experienced people. Hobbyists can be experienced, too, but professionals are paid to get that experience, and trained to learn good programming practices.
If you compare opensource development and commercial development only on single variable (love vs getting paid), obviously your straw man model will give you the conclusions you wanted to get.
Terms like "Better" and "Sucks" are terms of taste, which is defined by an entity, we have different tastes muzzy, so fuck off.
I prefer gimp over photoshop (I have had both running on Linux before), however I dont use gimp for the same reasons.
More or less, I dont give a shit muzzy.
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