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How to make your Windows machine more stable and secure
Microsoft rules:
When are you people going to grow up?
Microsoft does my day much easier with Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003.
Thank you Microsoft!
Well done, Gates!
You know... I was able to get Microsoft Office 2003 legal for just $5.
But I refused, since I don't use crappy software.
Also, Windows XP is the biggest bloatware in the history of operating systems. Have you tried Linux yet?
--- Quote from: kintaro ---Terms like "Better" and "Sucks" are terms of taste, which is defined by an entity, we have different tastes muzzy, so fuck off.
I prefer gimp over photoshop (I have had both running on Linux before), however I dont use gimp for the same reasons.
More or less, I dont give a shit muzzy.
--- End quote ---
Indeed, whatever is better depends on your values and your preferences. If you value freedom over functionality, I can see why you won't bother even trying with Windows. And about gimp, maybe someday it will be usable for the things I use it for. For now, windows just wins.
Also, photoshop doesn't run properly under linux afaik. Crossover office lists several known issues for it, some of which I'd find to be seriously annoying if I had to deal with them. I'd rather use the application in an environment I know to be stable.
--- Quote from: Refalm ---You know... I was able to get Microsoft Office 2003 legal for just $5.
But I refused, since I don't use crappy software.
Also, Windows XP is the biggest bloatware in the history of operating systems. Have you tried Linux yet?
--- End quote ---
I Doubt He Has
Indeed, whatever is better depends on your values and your preferences. If you value freedom over functionality, I can see why you won't bother even trying with Windows. And about gimp, maybe someday it will be usable for the things I use it for. For now, windows just wins.
Okay, let me get this straight.
Windows has fuck all in the way of functionality, I have no problems with Linux at all, unlike Windows. However you have problems with Linux and none with Windows. So this "functionality" is a matter of taste". Yet you rather state that "windows wins" and other claims as if they apply to the entire fucking planet. I was using Windows for several months after I got my new laptop, and functionality wise it was completely fucked. It had repeated crashes, bugs, programs not working, lack of memory because of all the third party stuff I would need to get a half-decent system out of it. You call this functionality?
Your the biggest psuedo-intellectual fool that has ever posted here by far. You seem to not be able to differentiate between taste and values and ideals. This clearly shows that your entire psyche is based around idealogy and you obsesses around the assumption that everyone else is as well. A lot of people make this foolish assumption.
My case, as with a lot of people here, was not "Oh god I cannot hack notepad.exe to write my own office-style paperclip, because its closed source,". It was "Windows is an unstable peice of shit, I might try Linux... Oh how rad all this Open Source software runs so much better," And from about there most of us just liked the experience of Open Source software better. Then some of us after using it for an extended period of time got into hacking it. However a lot of people barely touch sources and other things, so most dont really value "freedom over functionality" because this world also currently has "mass scale piracy" so if it was the pricetag they would run a pirate copy of Windows, since the source means nothing to a large number of people. I however build my own RPM's and other things, and I prefer the functionality of Linux. I prefer everything about the experience of Linux over Windows.
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