All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
How to make your Windows machine more stable and secure
--- Quote from: muzzy ---I'm not going to fight over what words mean,
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ok, i have come up against this many times on boards like this. if you can't be arsed to use words that mean what you mean to say, then don't fucking speak. that's my advice. if you are just going to spew some inaccurate twaddle and claim that you meant something else, then nobody else can join in the discussion since they haven't a clue what you are going on about.
your posts are usually quite coherent compared with some of the people on here, so why this is an issue for you i don't know, but i have no time to waste on somebody that is not interested in trying to remain intelligible.
--- Quote ---If you compare opensource development and commercial development only on single variable (love vs getting paid), obviously your straw man model will give you the conclusions you wanted to get.
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as i said, your posts so far have been very well put, with justifications for your opinions and so on, so i take even more exception than usual to your blatant attempt to turn this into a shit slinging contest. please do not reduce what i say to meaningless rubbish, as i do not do this to you.
Windows has fuck all in the way of functionality, I have no problems with Linux at all, unlike Windows. However you have problems with Linux and none with Windows. So this "functionality" is a matter of taste". Yet you rather state that "windows wins" and other claims as if they apply to the entire fucking planet. I was using Windows for several months after I got my new laptop, and functionality wise it was completely fucked. It had repeated crashes, bugs, programs not working, lack of memory because of all the third party stuff I would need to get a half-decent system out of it. You call this functionality?
Obviously my opinions are subjective to my experiences, as are yours. However, let's see... you installed a shitload of third party apps, ran out of memory, and had crashes and issues as a result? What third party stuff are you talking about that's absolutely necessary to have a "half-decent" system, that actually has to be running all the time?
A lot of crappy windows "power tools" load drivers to do nasty things in ring-0, and such things can lead to system crashes. Nmap has crashed my windows a few times, for example, but that's because the application has privileges to do so and it's obviously fault of the application and not the system.
I have to admit that I run with 1 Gigabyte of memory because I'm well aware that the system is a memory hog. I don't consider it an issue, memory has been cheap for years.
Your the biggest psuedo-intellectual fool that has ever posted here by far. You seem to not be able to differentiate between taste and values and ideals. This clearly shows that your entire psyche is based around idealogy and you obsesses around the assumption that everyone else is as well. A lot of people make this foolish assumption.
Indeed, I was under the impression that you use linux and avoid microsoft because of ideological purposes. Why else would you rant about mispractices of the company and such, if you were only interested in system that works? So, if you run linux because of taste alone, I can only conclude to my original statement that people who dislike windows just tend to not know how to use it. Yes, it takes work to configure it properly and you have to know what you're doing. Windows is way more willing to let users do stupid things due to the default configuration that tends to allow everything to happen. I'm sure if someone was always using linux as a root and managed to accidently trash it, you'd blame the user. Yet somehow, when it happens in windows it's blamed on the system.
My case, as with a lot of people here, was not "Oh god I cannot hack notepad.exe to write my own office-style paperclip, because its closed source,". It was "Windows is an unstable peice of shit, I might try Linux... Oh how rad all this Open Source software runs so much better," And from about there most of us just liked the experience of Open Source software better. Then some of us after using it for an extended period of time got into hacking it. However a lot of people barely touch sources and other things, so most dont really value "freedom over functionality" because this world also currently has "mass scale piracy" so if it was the pricetag they would run a pirate copy of Windows, since the source means nothing to a large number of people.
In pretty much every case that I've seen windows misbehave really badly, the problem has been with hardware or the user. This is why I said linux might indeed be better for a lot of people, as it's more simple system, and thus easier to learn. Once the user understands the system, there are no more user errors that get blamed on the system. A lot of windows users just expect the system to magically work, in a Do-What-I-Mean fashion. This just won't happen, and people are disappointed. In linux, due to simplistic nature of the system, it's more clear to the user that he's giving commands to the system and the system only responds to them. The feel of control is more concrete, as opposed to a Windows environment where everything has been hidden from the user, in name of "ease of use".
Funny thing you mention about this piracy thing. I was under impression that a lot of people really do run pirated windows systems instead of linux or other alternatives. This, again, is most likely because of the functionality windows provides. Most likely they don't value windows as an OS, but as a gaming platform. For these people, windows is the only choice because applications of their preference aren't available for other operating systems.
So, as a conclusion, if stability and functionality are the reasons you are using linux and you can't find them in windows, the only explanation I can find is that you don't know how to use windows and you're unwilling to learn.
wat a bloody long disscussion this is! :nothappy:
--- Quote from: sjor ---wat a bloody long disscussion this is! :nothappy:
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We're glad you thought of something useful to add.
--- Quote from: KernelPanic ---We're glad you thought of something useful to add.
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And we're glad you're contributing such self-irony to cheer us up :)
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