I was at a friend's house recently when she wanted to log into hotmail and send an email before we went out to eat.
She entered her password and it was wrong. So, she entered it again and it was wrong again. This went a few more times when a popup window came up asking her if she wanted to use the Password Reset Function. If she chose "yes", a URL would be emailed to her inbox that would allow her to reset her password.
I asked her if she had any other email accounts and she said no, hotmail was the only email account she ever had. So, she clicked on the "YES" button and another popup window came up confirming that the password reset link had been emailed to her inbox, she needed only to login to her inbox and click the password reset link in the email that hotmail just sent her.
I had to read those popup windows three times to understand what was happening. Then, I started laughing. She asked me what I was laughing at and I explained to her that Microsoft, in their infinite stupidity, had just emailed her a password reset URL so she could reset the password that she lost. Then, I asked her how she was going to get into her inbox in order to click on the password reset link, since she lost the password that allows her to login to her inbox. She'll never be able to get into her inbox to click the reset link until she remembers the password, in which case she won't need the reset link. She looked at the screen, and then looked back at me and said," well, that was totally stupid". After we finished laughing at Microsoft, we went out and had a nice dinner.
This moment of pure stupidity was brought to you by the Microsoft Corporation and is proof that Microsoft does indeed hire morons.