Author Topic: My health, my brain, and being high.  (Read 2019 times)


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Re: My health, my brain, and being high.
« Reply #15 on: 13 March 2005, 15:27 »
Its been more then 24 hours, my pupils are still large and stuff.

I havn't eaten much today, might just go watch a DVD.

Don't Do Drugs.


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Re: My health, my brain, and being high.
« Reply #16 on: 13 March 2005, 16:15 »
Quote from: Calum
huxley volunteers in the fifties to drink a glass of water with a substantial quantity of mescalin in it, the active component in peyotl, the book is an account of thr trip and an examination of the thoughts which come out of the trip

On that same subject, here are drawings made while using LSD.


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Re: My health, my brain, and being high.
« Reply #17 on: 13 March 2005, 16:36 »
Thats bad..
I've not taken any rugs myself... though with Big Brother spiking the water supply with Fluoride (main ingredient in many military truth serums) every has... =/
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Re: My health, my brain, and being high.
« Reply #18 on: 14 March 2005, 12:17 »
Quote from: GeoTube
Thats bad..
I've not taken any rugs myself... though with Big Brother spiking the water supply with Fluoride (main ingredient in many military truth serums) every has... =/

 Looks like im not the only paranoid lunatic here.

Things have different effects when they enter the body differently, like you could take 20 parecetamol and just get ill. However if you snort one it helps you stay rather awake. Thats an example, I used to mix one with 3 stillnox sleeping tabs (they call them non addictive). They are new, and they also cause hallcinations. So I would crush them up together and the parecetamol would get rid of the tiredness.

What is more interesting is how I came across it, I was having sleeping problems and had it prescribed, and it wasnt working so good. So one night I took two and read a book in bed, and stuff felt like it was moving. The objects around me in a way became illusions of other things, people, faces and all kinds of trippy stuff. However it was unexpected and really scared me. I went and hid in the shower, theres a better description of this in part of an article of mine... - I wrote this earlier this year when I was _really_ good, without weed and without schitz symptoms. (Note for previous visitors that on fri night I fucked my servers filesystem doing some fdisking, after a database crash due to a faulty disk, basically: there is a new security cert - also, your not putting your credit card details on there anyway).


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Re: My health, my brain, and being high.
« Reply #19 on: 15 March 2005, 19:43 »
i wrote a song once, while on acid, well, i wrote the music, and then the words afterwards.

have never recorded it properly yet though, but it's kind of supposed to sound like drum and bass, but i wanted it played on real live acoustic instruments. in my head, the arrangement is for drumkit, guitar, electric bass guitar, piano and voice.

i liked drawing six the best.

however those drawings suggest that acid makes you draw bad. this is not necessarily true. i have a friend who is an incredible graphic artist, for pencil drawings, acid simply intensifies the depth of the resultant artwork, in my opinion, having seen his output.
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Re: My health, my brain, and being high.
« Reply #20 on: 15 March 2005, 21:41 »
I solemnly swear that under no circumstances will I let myself do drugs again until the drug it is that I am consumeing is LSD.