Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

Uh Oh


Slashdot Story[\url]

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PontifexPrimus writes "Senator Orrin Hatch, (in)famous for his idea of destroying the computers of copyright violators is to head a Senate 'panel, which will have jurisdiction over copyright, trademark and patent law, as well as treaties intended to protect American intellectual property overseas.' Looks like file sharing will finally be erased once and for all. Oh, and this looks like another field day for those who refuse to subsume patent, trademark and copyright law under the heading of 'IP law.'"

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Geez... last thing we need is a nutcase like Hatch on a committe that is so all encompassing.

Thanks, but no thanks.... I don't think many of us will put our faith in someone named PontifexPrimus without confirmation from another source.

Still, if this is legit... this is a very bad thing.

mobrien: You might want to edit your post and fix your vB coded link.

is this more legitimate for you?


--- Quote from: "Leander Kahney" ---
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) suggested Tuesday that people who download copyright materials from the Internet should have their computers automatically destroyed.

But Hatch himself is using unlicensed software on his official website, which presumably would qualify his computer to be smoked by the system he proposes.

The senator's site makes extensive use of a JavaScript menu system developed by Milonic Solutions, a software company based in the United Kingdom. The copyright-protected code has not been licensed for use on Hatch's website.
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although i couldn't find anything about this here: http://hatch.senate.gov/

here's another one by David McGuire, for the Washington Post:

i ought a take a bat to these guy's computer, just for being so stupid.

Mr X :beos:


--- Quote from: Calum ---is this more legitimate for you?


although i couldn't find anything about this here: http://hatch.senate.gov/

here's another one by David McGuire, for the Washington Post:
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Jesus holy shit christ. This is bad.


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