Author Topic: Is this not bullshit?  (Read 1459 times)


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Re: Is this not bullshit?
« Reply #15 on: 25 March 2005, 04:26 »
It's not changing history, it's putting it into context.  The same individuals who claimed all men are created equal attempted to exterminate a continent's original inhabitants in their entirety, while building a 'free nation' on the backs of slaves.  All men are created equal meant firstly whites, secondly aristocrats, and thirdly males; if you don't fall into all three of those categories then institutional equality was never meant for you, and what so-called freedom you do have is purely coincidental.  It's a nation founded deeply in hypocrisy, and it shows itself repeatedly every time it comes to making moral decisions involving 'others;' it also shows itself in lawmaking.

The pie in the sky dreams and living one's greatness in the shadow's of dead men's legacy's keeps the rodents running on the wheel, and too preoccupied to ever question that they're as oppressed as anyone else.  Thomas Jefferson is irrelevant beyond historical, book knowledge; schools should teach questioning of authority, critical thinking, reinvention and evolution of ideas -- living in the shadow of a dead slave owner does nothing to aid that, especially when a certain population's direct experience with that individual has been one of oppression.  Perhaps he's an inspiration to you though, and that's great -- but don't force it upon others who agree upon a different path.

Meanwhile, the PTA's implementation of change is purely democratic, and impacts only their community, not the nation as a whole.  So perhaps they're living up to Jefferson's ideals more so than you.


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Re: Is this not bullshit?
« Reply #16 on: 26 March 2005, 12:18 »
Yea schools should teach those things. Names are just names however.


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Re: Is this not bullshit?
« Reply #17 on: 26 March 2005, 13:52 »
let's see how long it takes for somebody to delete this post.

what if i say something relevant in it as well i wonder? how about:

names carry power. you wouldn't expect people to be happy with a "Hitler Memorial Synagogue" would you?
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Re: Is this not bullshit?
« Reply #18 on: 26 March 2005, 14:05 »
I see your point.