Yes, but those individuals who come here looking for help with their fuckware (now THAT is a fantastic word) are the victims rather than the perpetuators of those crimes.
What if person A said "i'm having a fuck of a time trying to get any programs at all to start up, every time i try to do anything my computer crashes!"
and person B said "you know what? Are you running Windows?"
Person A "yup, of course!"
Person B (with smug grin) "Why don't you try using Linux, it's much more stable than windows, runs better on older and slower computers, takes up less memory and is faster than windows, not only that... It's free!"
Person A "Eh? i didn't even know there was an alternative for windows! well, maybe i'll try it but i don't know if i will be able to learn a whole new system, now i know how to use windows!"
Person B "Well, here's a few Linux CDs you can borrow, just in case..."
3 months later Person A gets so fucked off with windows that they install Linux and throw their Windows CD under a passing train. Hooray! the forces of evil have once more been vanquished!
Now the other alternative is this:
Person A "i'm having a fuck of a time trying to get any programs at all to start up, every time i try to do anything my computer crashes!"
Person B "you know what? Are you running Windows?"
Person A "yup, of course!"
Person B "HA HA! You FUCKTARD, why don't you get a REAL OS? HMM? EH?"
(tomato and rotten egg throwing commences)
Now, which one is more likely to have people changing from windows to Linux? answers on a post-it note!