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Your propaganda is dated

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--- Quote ---The other article about "Hidden files", is also rather obsolete. AFAIK the index.dat file no longer retains information after you clear your history/cache in IE - at least in Windows XP.
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I haven't been around XP in a while, and I don't run it here, so I can't look to confirm.  I do know, however, that XP does retain a lot of cached images and cookies.


--- Quote from: WMD ---I haven't been around XP in a while, and I don't run it here, so I can't look to confirm.  I do know, however, that XP does retain a lot of cached images and cookies.
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Not to mention those mysterious thumb.? files in every directory.

it would be good if you update the front page.

Mr X

Sorry Refalm, but Thumbs.db is nothing mysterious.  It's new to XP, I know that - but all they do is keep thumbnails.  By that, I mean that if you do "thumbnail view" on a directory with images, it makes small versions of those images and then caches them in thumbs.db.


--- Quote from: WMD ---Sorry Refalm, but Thumbs.db is nothing mysterious.  It's new to XP, I know that - but all they do is keep thumbnails.
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Not sure, but I think those existed in ME too.


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