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a bug with winxp (default) picture and fax viewer


guyes ,open your picture dir... and double click any of the picture there (open it with windows picture and fax viewer) and and start navigating pictures with your keyboard left right key... what you see is pictures... heee but the bug there is ...

ok you have your windows picture and fax viewer' open .,(don't do it anything... keep it intact as it is) now copy few different pictures from different dir's and past it in the picture folder... where you were navigating the pictures...

now again , click the right -left key you will surprised to see... the picture you just pased in the same dir.. which you are brousing is not shown... the picture which were in the directory before you copied new pictures are only shown ... not the recent one...

to show the secent pictures you have to again close and re-open the picture viewer by double clicking new picture...

(i think for fast perfomance ... winxp sincronises... the name of picture what are in the directory ... and ignores the recent copied one... until it is restarted... heeee...

the same like that bug ... little bug : with copy/and past of file in winxp too.. ok i don't have enough time i will post it tomorrow... fed up seeing winxp bugs

.oops i almost forgot a thing ..... when you opened the pic ... folder and clicked a pic file and if if you delete a existing pic... that in the folder... while opening the folder... suppose you delete a pic name hunter.hpg... then winxp still thinks there is a pic... and when you come navigating the file hunter.jpg... it says the pic. can't be displaced...(no privue available) but ... the file doesht exist... right cauz we delete it... but xp thinks it's there but it can't be dispalced...
so, suppose a amin... is working on a presentation he poens his pic folder and start a full screen brousing... to show others at the background from a network a user is working and adding files to that folder... or deleting it... (it's bad too look no prevue available.... or

ok it's not a big issue... but still a little software faul...

ya... all the exploit's posted in this form ... i discoverd it about 2-6 month ago... and were posted to

Trying this would require me to reboot my redhat box. And that is something I do not want to do. Sorry...

IrfanView is a much better way to view pictures in Windows. That integrated Pic&Fax viewer is lame.

Really? It does exactley what I would expect a picture viewer to do. Let's me easily view pictures in a diectory.


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