Author Topic: Mac and languages  (Read 2010 times)


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Mac and languages
« on: 29 March 2005, 01:14 »
New here. Hi everyone.
I have a question for the mac guys: One of the things I really love about Linux is that it doesn't bully me into American English (I don't have favorites, I have favourites ;)).
When you set the language to English (UK), it really does change the spelling throughout the interface.

Does the Mac os allow you to do the same? If so, I'd think about giving it a go some time :).

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Re: Mac and languages
« Reply #1 on: 29 March 2005, 02:17 »
Yes. In fact, someone complained on MacSlash  that OS X doesn't include Canadian localisation, so they suggested he use en_GB localisation.


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Re: Mac and languages
« Reply #2 on: 29 March 2005, 02:24 »
You need to ask someone running Tiger to check this out.  Just experimenting, I can tell you that after changing my regional settings and language to UK "colour" was still spelt color in Finder; I didn't check other applications.  This was in Panther.

Apple has steadily improved language support in each release of OS X, and I'd expect British localizations will actually exist in Tiger.  The universal spellchecker in OS X does recognize British English however.


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Re: Mac and languages
« Reply #3 on: 29 March 2005, 07:39 »
Thanks guys. I did go over to the MacSlash site, but they seemed to be very busy answering the wrong question :confused:.
The original poster there was interested (as I am) in changing the localisation in the interface not just the spell checker (although at least that would be an improvement on the Microsoft language arrogance :mad: ).

I've just remembered that my stepson, in England, uses a G5? powerbook. I'll see if he can shed any light on it. I'm a new refugee from Microsoft and am loving it, but I'm having a problem without my beloved Macromedia applications and I know they're available for the Mac.

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Re: Mac and languages
« Reply #4 on: 4 April 2005, 11:14 »
It wouldn't be a G5 Powerbook, they don't have one yet. It was probably a powerbook G4 if it's a metallic case.
I'm often asked why I hate Microsoft - "What did they ever do to you?". Well, I'll tell you. They made dodgy programs and standards which have wasted hundreds of hours of my time involving lost work in crashes and stupidity.