Author Topic: Manu Rodriguez  (Read 794 times)


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Manu Rodriguez
« on: 30 March 2005, 23:37 »
it has nothing to do with computing, but this is the lounge and, well, you know...

anyway, i know this author, living in edinburgh, but from sevilla, and just back from argentina.

he writes mainly in spanish, but has been known to write in english. i think his writing is original and v interesting (although i have only read not much of his stuff, due to my NOT being able to read in spanish!)

BUT he has stuff for download on his website at:

in both languages, so pop along, it's FREE. his second book is coming out soon in spain, too, so if you're in spain, well, you know what to do...

and post comments if you like too, that's what a discussion board is for!
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Re: Manu Rodriguez
« Reply #1 on: 30 March 2005, 23:53 »
Since I am writing a novel myself, I will check it.