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Muzzy, why does Windows rule?

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--- Quote from: kintaro ---I never said they did, and it was microsoft that invented the BASIC interpreter, but the langauge was never something of theirs. The basic interpreter is their only innovation. It is also the one that made them rich... the american dream.
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Yes, basic was a compiler before Microsoft made an interpreter.

--- Quote from: kintaro ---I was actually talking about the bad habits it teaches in programming, it makes it really difficult for some people to adapt to other languages.
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I started ptogramming in qbasic many years ago, I then had a go at C but I've never fully leaned it and I've personally found  assembly lot easier than C. I lost interest in programming and computers in general when I was about 18, when I discovered there were more interesting things in life.

--- Quote from: kintaro ---PS: Learn to read.
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Sorry I am severly dyslexic, :nothappy:  and have been trying to learn to read all my life with limited sucess and I currently have a reading age of only 12, but I do my best. :(  You can't tell me that you've never misread a post before.

Fair enough with the whole dyslexia thing, however you do a lot better with writing compared to some people I know with it, and without.

I feel guilty I was in a grade four reading level within three months of starting school, I just learn fast.


--- Quote from: kintaro ---Fair enough with the whole dyslexia thing, however you do a lot better with writing compared to some people I know with it, and without.
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Yes, I do my best with every post.

My problem with writing is speed more than anything my typing is slow and my handwriting is even slower and illedgible too (I often struggle reading it!).  I had to have an amanuensis for all of my exams except for English (because spelling and handwriting is a major part or the mark) I did managed to scrape an E even though they thought I would completely fail.

Reading is also hard, I never read any fiction books because I can't take in to the story as I'm concentrating too much on reading the text. I often find myself reading posts several times before I understand them fully, this is worse for longer posts, and you're right I should have read your post a bit more carefully, perhaps because I find longer posts harder to read tend I concentrate more (some of muzzy's posts take nearly hour to read!) but I should also give short posts equal attention.

--- Quote from: kintaro ---I feel guilty I was in a grade four reading level within three months of starting school, I just learn fast.
--- End quote ---

Good for you!

Well I have a friend, I was in class with him last year when I was going to a "specialist school" which was filled with kids with no other school to goto, or just in need of more basic education. Mostly kids with no other school to goto however. I was there because of, well I was just sick of school and it was only part time. (Worst mistake ive ever made). Nonetheless the work was so damn easy I found myself helping my friend learn to read better (he was dyslexic as well), however he was a lot worse then you are.

Hey hey, don't diss BASIC. I don't care what Dijkstra says, I started with C64 basic myself and it's a wonderful language. Regarding any "bad habits" it teaches, just learn some more languages (not just one) and you're fine.

If you disagree, what exactly do you consider to be bad in BASIC, specifically? And what are these "bad habits" you speak of?


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