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Muzzy, why does Windows rule?

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Personally, I don't care anymore what people run. I run Linux because it has the technology that suits me. If you want all the things Muzzy mentioned: a very complex system. Then go right ahead and run Windows. It will also have very complex problems if you don't have a large base of knowledge regarding it like our Muzzy here. That is the problem with complexity on large scales, it can bring in all kinds of stupid people who are not complex at all loving it. It is my personal philosophy that Less is More and thats one of the things I like about Linux. It certainly has its shortfalls, I bitch about them all the time. I don't like how the desktop has QT, GTK, GTK2, etc, etc, and a lot of programs use different libarys that do almost the same job. However I am willing to accept that loss because I have got a pretty firm base of mainly GTK based applications I use on my Gnome Desktop, and a clever KDE user will have the Qt based applications mostly that they use. Thats the other thing I dig about Linux, that people have a little more choise in there system because there are two major desktops that do work together a little. It also allows customisation, a great deal of it. However Windows can do all these as well, it just depends which one you prefer using and whats important to the user.

People have different types of personalitys that define completely different types of thinking and use of resources, and thats what a computer really is, a great resource. With all this in my head, when I really think about it there is no such thing as a superior system. There are just different people and different systems. There are a lot of things I like about Linux I wish Windows had, there are a lot of things about Windows I wish Linux had. However I weigh them out and I get a strong tendancy towards Linux. Muzzy weighs them out and prefers Windows, why is this? Bingo! People are different.

Oops about that "and that's indeed a good thing" sentence. When I was writing it, I was being interrupted several times. I definitely didn't mean to write it that way. A better wording would be "and that's indeed good thing for windows users" or something along those words. What I meant was that it's a definite advantage for Windows as a platform to have the developers aiming for it. Thus, it's a good thing for windows, as a platform, that software and hardware is targeted for it.

I definitely didn't mean that it's a good thing that software and hardware gets locked to a single platform. That's not good. Exclusiveness sucks even when there are reasons for it. I didn't mean it's a good thing that the software and hardware doesn't get available to other systems.


Yea, I figured that comment was a little rushed, also in its typographical properties, so I just didn't comment.

I agree I did think it was a bit silly but kintaro & I thought the same as kintaro - I suppose great minds think alike. :D

Well, not being native english speaker it's easier for me to screw up my sentences so that even I won't understand them the way I meant them if I read them again after a few minutes. ;)


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