All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Muzzy, why does Windows rule?
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---FuCk yOu kInnTarriO$ annnnDDDD $iMon i Aggree$ wiV fReFOX4me MUz$zY i$ a Di$cK$uck M$-HoReIDF$.
$oo r$ u$ Both Lik$ FuCk$ BiL$ GaayTe$ DiK$ u FuK$ MoRon$ FucK$ U$$ alL$$! :fu:
--- End quote ---
Oh noes, attack of the killer nooblercakes:scared:
i need a wank
--- Quote from: kintaro ---i need a wank
--- End quote ---
That woman in ur sig looks ready and willing for some hand on cock action. Go for it man, let her light up ur life:thumbup:
Is there anywhere I can read about valves and valve amplifiers that will debunk the most common myths?
Design of Power Amps. He takes a very good, no bullshit approach to the subject.
Also, pay close attention to: Science and Subjectivism in Audio.. Here, he really gets to the core of the matter: cutting through all the hype and ignorance and misunderstanding.
Thanks jtpenrod, I'll have a read.:thumbup:
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